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See An Orthopaedic Surgeon Before You Develop Osteomyelitis.

The orthopedic doctor resorts to some procedures that contribute to helping patients improve their standard of life with procedures that may be for therapeutic or cosmetic purposes, including the process of lengthening the bones, which aims to increase the height of some who suffer from short stature.

The process of lengthening the bones depends on separating the bones in the legs at a very short distance from each other to allow the spaces between them to be covered with new bone tissue, which gives more length to the bones, which in turn is reflected in the stature as a whole.

The orthopedic doctor ( دكتور عظام في جدة ) uses special medical screws to fix the separated bones so that the new bone grows in a natural way and fills the space as it should.

However, like any other surgery, bone lengthening may include a set of accompanying complications, most notably the asymmetry of the lower ends and limited movement in the joint due to possible muscle contraction, in addition to some side effects that may accompany anesthesia such as breathing problems and others.

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