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Teaching English in South Korea – Live the lifestyle of the Rich and Famous

The lifestyle that teaching ESL provides and the compensation – no matter how hard you work- allows you to live like those sappy Instagram travel couples.

In this article I will touch on how you can work your tail off to save tens of thousands of dollars a year or more teaching English. And how saving so much of that allows you to reach a millie real quick. I will also discuss how you don’t need to work that much, and save so much to live incredibly well while teaching ESL in South Korea. Thousands of dollars of disposable income each month, months a year to travel the world.. All from playing with children a few hours a week. Intrigued yet?

Teach English in Korea

How to make a million dollars teaching English?

What a preposterous idea; that you could become a millionaire teaching English. When this gig is widely considered something travelers do for extra cash. Well in Southeast Asia, it might be, but in South Korea, teaching is a real job. It’s respected, and professional. And paid accordingly.

With most salaries starting around $1,800 USD and rising up towards $4,000 USD per month or more., you can easily save between 50-75% of your salary if you are smart with your money in any case. Don’t be ignorant to assume it would be easy to save this much, and there will be many sacrifices, like skipping weekend trips or going out for food and drinks multiple times a week. But if you want it, it’s possible.

Besides your primary salary, there are incredible amounts of side work such as private lessons in your city, teaching online, or even model work or other various paid side jobs. Private lessons pay around $50 USD per hour, teaching online pays around $20 USD per hour. Do the math for how much you’d like to work. A note; most of these positions are untaxed, be aware of local and international tax laws for your personal situation, complications and potential consequences.

Live your best life teaching ESL abroad

My current game plan is the above. I’ve been teaching for a few years, and I’ve seen many countries along the way. It wasn’t always this way, and for many of my colleagues working that much would not be of interest. And they would rather spend their money seeing more of the world, or enjoying all the activities that these countries they teach in have to offer. And thats fine.

Teaching English in South Korea delivers all those things without the blood sweat and tears of acquiring the millions most things they need to live well. Most teachers only teach about 12-15 hours per week at their main school job. Leaving plenty of time to pursue passions. Public school teachers get nearly 3 months of holidays each year. And flights to some of the most exotic countries in the world are cheap and only a few hours each direction.

About Hasan

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